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Name Hargen (Youze) Zheng
Phone (858) 699-0154


  • 2023 - Present
    Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
    Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute, University of California, San Diego
    Develop programming assignments, prepare starter code, and write unit tests to grade submissions on Gradescope. Helped 500+ student by holding regular office hours and answering questions on EdStem.
    • Teaching
    • Gradescope
    • Assignment Development


  • 2022 - Present
    Note-Taking Volunteer
    Office for Students with Disabilities, University of California, San Diego
    Provide legible lecture notes to students with disabilities.
    • Across five STEM courses


  • 2022 - 2026
    Bachelor of Science
    University of California, San Diego
    Data Science, Mathematics-Computer Science
    • Theory of Relativity
  • 2023
    Summer Visiting Student
    University of California, Berkeley
    Statistics, Computer Science
    • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
    • Concepts of Statistics


Deep Learning Specialization
DeepLearning.AI 2024-01-03
Machine Learning Specialization
DeepLearning.AI 2023-08-23


Computer Science
Basic Data Structures and Object Oriented Design
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Recommender Systems and Web Mining
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Principles of Machine Learning: Learning Algorithms
Deep Learning
Intro to Computer Vision I
Linear Algebra
Multivariable Calculus
Vector Calculus
Discrete Mathematics
Intro to Probability
Intro to Stochastic Processes I
Concepts of Statistics
Optimization Methods for Data Science
Data Science
Principles of Data Science
Theoretical Foundations of Data Science


Native speaker


Computer Science
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Computer Vision


  • 2023 - 2024
    ACM AI Quarterly Project
    Conducted EDA on an imbalanced kaggle dataset and built an automated pipeline for model training. Applied transfer learning with pretrained BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) model. The model classifies input text corpus into 1 of 16 MBTI personality types with ≈ 95% validation accuracy. Deployed a Streamlit App that allows users to type in words and obtain classification results during showcase.
    • BERT Model
  • 2024.02
    Semantic Segmentation with PASCAL VOC 2007
    Performed data augmentation and designed an class weight heuristic to deal with small imbalanced dataset issue. Implemented Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) baseline model and UNet architecture. Used IoU value, along with pixel accuracy, to evaluate model performances due to dominating background pixels. Leveraged the FCN ResNet-101 pretrained model to improve IoU from 0.0566 of the FCN baseline to 0.330.
    • ConvNet
    • UNet
    • FCN ResNet-101
  • 2023.11
    Game Recommendation with Steam Dataset
    Implemented and trained Bayesian Personalized Ranking Model, and ensembled with popularity-based recommendation method to predict if a person would play a given game; ranked top 2% on the course leaderboard. Trained a Latent Factor Model with bias terms only to predict a person’s play time on a given game.
    • Recommender System
  • 2023.07
    Little Pac-Man
    Formulated Minimax, Alpha-beta Pruning, Expectimax adversarial search methods for Pacman to survive. Implemented Bayes Nets and Hidden Markov Models for inference tasks, such as predicting ghost positions.
    • Adversarial Game
  • 2023 - Present
    Pattern Analysis on EEG for Enhanced Depression Diagnosis
    Explore patterns between brain EEG data and severity of depression with OpenNeuro dataset. Conduced EDA to analysis noisy EEG data and identify main features through PCA and ICA. Potentially incorporate ML/DL models to extract features through learning to help pattern analysis.
    • EEG
  • 2024 - Present
    Facial Emotion Detection
    Explore ConvNet Architectures to build classifiers to recognize facial emotion given image inputs. Selected project lead; facilitated group meetings, searched for resources, and communicated with team members.
    • Computer Vision